
Mental Health Accredited Sports Clubs

Moray clubs who are current members of mental health accreditation schemes.

    • Support level – Medium
    • Access – Open
    • Speed – Immediate

What is the Moray Mental Health Accreditation Scheme?

This is an initiative that was developed in partnership by the Moray Wellbeing Hub and Moray Council's Community Sports Development Hub from 2023. The rationale for the scheme is that because sports coaches have a trusted relationship with the people they support, they are therefore often in the best position to offer mental health wellbeing support. The accreditation scheme reflects that the affiliated clubs have completed training in mental health first aid, sign posting for support and trauma based approaches. The accreditation mark not only provides evidence of a clubs commitment to supporting good mental wellbeing of its members but the willingness of the club to receive referrals from mental health support agencies.

Visit Sport in Moray Website

Elgin Duellist Fencing Club

Elgin Duellist Fencing Club meets every Thursday night during term time from 6.30pm at Elgin High School Sports Gym. The club is open to both junior and adult members. The club has a closed Facebook page if you are interested in joining the club.

  • Telephone: 01343 541302
Visit the Facebook Page

Forres Bluefins

Forres Bluefins Swimming Club is a competitive club whose members compete at local, district and and national levels.

Visit Facebook Page

Moray Walking Football & Netball

The Active Schools & Community Sport team coordinate a weekly Walking Sports programme. Both the Netball and Football offer lower impact versions of their sport through encouraging participants to walk, rather than run, as part of the game. The sessions offer physical, social and mental wellbeing benefits to all adults that participate.

    • Telephone: 07970 974857 (Robin Paterson)
View Walking Sports Schedule

Quasar Hockey Club

This a community hockey club based in Elgin and is open to both junior and adult members.

  • Address: Elgin Academy, Morriston Rd, Elgin, Morayshire, IV30 4ND
Visit Quasar Hockey Club's Website

Moray Mountain Bike Club

The club's purpose is to develop the sport in moray. The club gets involved in events in both Moray and further afield, and has a growing junior section led by a head coach. To get in contact, click on the "Contact" tab on the website.

Visit MTB Club Website

Moray Table Tennis Club

Meeting weekly during term times, Moray Table Tennis club welcomes both adult and junior members.

  • Email:
Visit Club's Facebook Page

Badminton Moray

Badminton sessions in Forres & Elgin, The Badminton Forum is a fully constituted group who aim to provide badminton opportunities for all ages and abilities.

  • Telephone: 01343 555090
  • Email:
Visit Club's Website

Elgin Sports Community Trust

Elgin Sports Community Trust is an inclusive charity which provides health and welfare opportunities for the Moray community with top quality sports facilities and coaching. The Gleaner Arena is our first project and is open to all ages, genders and abilities to provide the community with a safe, accessible and clean sports facility available 7 days a week.

  • Telephone: 07912 685682
  • Email:
Visit Trust's Website

Elgin Cycling Club

Moray is blessed with a range of cycling initiatives associated with Elgin Cycling Club. Initiatives include 'Rock up and Ride', 'On a Bike' and 'Breeze Cycle Rides' which have a focus on good mental health and wellbeing.

Visit Club's Website