
Urgent Help

 If you’re in need of urgent help, please use one of the links below:

Samaritans undefined

Samaritans provides confidential non-judgemental emotional support for anyone who is struggling to cope – you don’t have to be suicidal.

The service is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

Call: 116 123
Text: 07725 90 90 90

Visit Samaritans Website

Breathing Space

Tel: 0800 83 85 87

Breathing Space is a free, confidential phone and web-based service for people in Scotland experiencing low mood, depression or anxiety. They are there in times of difficulty to provide a safe and supportive space by listening, offering advice and giving information.  Lines are open 6pm – 2am Mon to Thu and 24hrs at weekends (From 6pm Fri to 6am on Mon). Our webchat service is available Monday to Friday – 6pm to 2am, Saturday and Sunday – 4pm to midnight.

Visit Breathing Space Website


Childline is a counselling service for children and young people up to their 19th birthday in the United Kingdom provided by the NSPCC. Get help and advice about a wide range of issues via telephone, talk to a counsellor online, send Childline an email or post on the message boards.

Call: 0800 1111

Visit Childline Website

NHS 24

Tel: 111

NHS 24 provides urgent care advice day or night. If you’re feeling overwhelmed or need mental health support you can call NHS 24 on 111. NHS 24’s Mental Health Hub is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Visit NHS 24 Website

Moray Community Care – includes Social Work team

You can get in touch with the Access Care Team by calling 01343 563999 Monday to Friday from 8.45am to 5pm. If lines are busy please leave a message on the answer machine and a member of the team will call you back as soon as possible.

If your situation is urgent, the number to call in an out of hours’ emergency is 03457 565656.
