The Community Mental Health Team: psychiatry, mental health nursing, occupational therapy, social work, psychology and other specialist services.

Connect with others and learn to manage challenges through supportive peer relationships. Nature or community based activities. Groups and individual options.

Understanding Neurodiversity
Neurodiversity is the concept that there is a wide variety in the way brains work. Many human brains will work in a neurotypical way, but there is also a lot of human brains that will work in a different or neurodivergent way. There are many ways to categorise neurodivergent brains, such as autism, ADHD, dyslexia, dyspraxia/DCD, dyscalculia, FASD and many more. These differences can very strongly affect a person's way of seeing the world, their cognitive strengths and weaknesses, and even their values, their purpose in life, and their sense of who they are. Often people think and talk about these conditions in negative terms, but while there can be challenges, neurodivergent people can also bring very valuable insights, perceptions, skills and abilities with them.
About ICON
ICON (Informing and Connecting our Neurodivergent Families in Moray) are a group of people who meet on-line every six-eight weeks. Our members have a personal or professional interest in sharing information, promoting wellbeing and raising awareness in the context of neurodiversity in Moray.
We have produced the Neurodiversity Pathway as a place to share important information. We hope that this can provide mutual support and to be a rich source information for families and professionals working in this field.
For more information about ICON and how to join our group please click here.
I want to support my neurodiversity
How do I choose what is right for me at this time?
1. Reflect without judgement: Consider these questions with a trusted supporter, friend, or yourself.
2. Be honest: This will help you decide which options will work now and which you might like to try later.
3. There is no ‘wrong’ choice or failure: Just a more helpful choice for you at this time.
First steps: Navigate Mental Health Pathways in Moray
Speed – How fast do I need support? – swift services have less timer icons.
Support – How much support do I need? – high support services have more hand icons.
Access – Do I need to see my GP? – services are available that don’t need a GP referral.
Options – Am I considering all the options? – select more than one service to try.
How do I choose what is right for me at this time?
Going further: CHIME – Build a better understanding of yourself
Connectedness: How ready am I to connect with others?
Accepting support and giving support to others is a key part of good health. Building confidence as an active community member can take time but makes a big difference to wellbeing.
Hope & optimism: How motivated am I to continue to explore and try different things?
It is unlikely you will find all the answers or support straight away. Trying different approaches need different support levels. Reflect on what you are going to need and how far you want to go in understanding yourself at this time.
Identity: How do I want to view myself?
Having a diagnosis or label is important to some people and can bring resources and support with it. In medical based services you are a ‘patient’, with others you are a ‘student’ or a ‘peer’ of recovery of wellbeing. Different roles can carry particular positive or negative associations for some people.
Meaning: Is my issue about something else as well?
Housing, debt, relationships, caring for family, employability – these all have other specific support services in Moray. Don’t forget that you can use these services too, they may even had additional support for neurodivergent individuals.
Empowerment: Who is/are the right person or people to help me make decisions?
Exploring our options and speaking out to say what we need can be shared with others such as supporters or friends. Learning this skill helps others to understand and act on our needs faster.
It’s not working, I want to feedback!
Our pathways are co-created with people with living/lived experience of relevant challenges, their friends and family, and people from professional support backgrounds. We need your ongoing feedback to evolve and develop these. Please explore the tools and feedback to us through this short survey.
This site is hosted and maintained by Moray Wellbeing Hub. Please contact us to let us know how we can improve or support you to use the tools.