Specialist Mental Health Support
The Community Mental Health Team (CMHT) includes psychiatry, mental health nursing, occupational therapy, social work, psychology and other specialist services.
- Support level – High
- Access – GP referral only
- Speed – Waiting list based on need (weeks)
- Identity – patient / service user
- Required insight & autonomy (ability to act independently) – Low
These specialist services support people with complex mental health problems, who may currently need high levels of support. Access requires a referral from your GP as it is based on medical criteria.
The team work closely together to provide individuals with the right support. Those accessing this service may access support from a number of team members, or from just one or two, depending on their needs.
Decisions on what services are right for someone are made at multi-disciplinary team meetings. Here the different specialities discuss and decide what might be suitable before offering a service.
Team members include;
- Psychiatrist – A medical doctor specialising in the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of mental health conditions. They can diagnose mental illness, prescribe medication, recommend treatment.
- Mental Health Nurse ( also known as a CPN or Community Psychiatric Nurse) – A nurse specialising in mental health who can, in partnership with you, support your care and treatment in the community using a variety of therapeutic skills and psychological interventions.
- Occupational therapist – A therapist that supports you to do the things that are important to you in life. This could include developing skills in communication, connecting with work or practical coping skills.
- Psychologist – provides psychological therapy to helps you understand how your thoughts and feelings affect your behaviour.
- Social Workers – Mental Health Social Workers follow the community care 3 tier model which aims to provide the right support to people at the right time in relation to their circumstances. Exploring options and promoting recovery and wellbeing, this support can include exploring how Self Directed Support (SDS) can help provide direct services.
More information:
- Learn more about adult social work team including contact details – Moray Council Community Care website
- Mind – Support services information including CMHT.
Moray Advocacy Service: Independent Advocacy for those using MH services
Circles Moray Advocacy Service have 3 main roles;
1. ensure a person’s views are heard
2. ensure they have access to the information they need to make an informed choice
3. ensure their rights are upheld
- Referral – by anyone, in any format eg phone, e-mail, walk in
- Service is free
- Speed – contact within 72 hours (working), sooner if it is urgent.
Circles provides independent advocacy for those with Mental Ill health, in addition to other conditions such as disabilities, drug and alcohol issues, chronic conditions, to have their views heard.
Anyone detained under the Mental Health (Care and Treatment) Act has a legal right to advocacy support to ensure their views regarding their detention are heard. This support can include a written statement of their views and actual support at tribunals or other related meetings.
Those with mental ill health can also receive support, when not detained, to ensure the professionals they are working with hear them eg at meetings with psychiatrists, social workers, their GP.
Circles usually works with people who are 18 and over but those who are 16 and 17, and subject to the Mental Health Act, Adult Support and Protection Act or Adults with Incapacity Act, can also be supported as above.
People who have, or have previously had, issues with drug and/or alcohol can receive advocacy support regarding any issue that is creating a barrier to their continued recovery including housing and accessing service.
Telephone 01343 559546
Circles Network, 40-42 Moss Street, Elgin. Moray IV30 1LT
e-mail: info.moray@circlesnetwork.org.uk
If you live in Moray, our advocacy service can support you to understand your rights and have your voice heard.
Our advocacy service provides free support for all people in Moray accessing community care services. This includes people with a mental health condition or a learning disability, autistic people, people with dementia, and physical and sensory disabilities. The support is also available for unpaid carers.