Specific Anytime Support
National helplines, mobile and online tools managed in Moray and beyond. Provides anonymous support for motivated individuals at flexible times.
- Support level – None/low
- Access – Open
- Speed – Immediate
- Identity – Anonymous
- Required insight & autonomy (ability to act independently) – Medium
The list below is a just a sample of available tools. These have strong evidence to show they are effective, are delivered by reliable organisations and are linked in some way to Moray services.
Other resources & life challenge specific information: There are many specific services and supports in Moray and nationally. Relationships, bereavement, caring for family, debt, young people, counselling, bullying and abuse, alcohol and drugs, identity, workplace wellbeing – Topics such as these are often linked to mental health, there are many options and navigating these can require research and support. See further links at the bottom of this page.
Living Life to The Full
Workbooks available from Moray Libraries and Healthpoint.
Workshops: 8-week group course available via the Moray Wellbeing Hub Wellness College.
This CBT (Cognitive Behavioural Therapy) based tool is available in a number of formats. Registering via the website enables access to an online version of the course for free.
Living Life
Tel: 0800 328 9655
Talking therapies over the phone. When you first phone Living Life you will be asked for your name, your contact details, the reason you phoned. At this point, you may be offered an assessment appointment or placed on our waiting list. Following an assessment appointment, you will be offered a series of telephone support sessions with a self-help coach or therapist.
Moray Libraries – Health Matters / Healthy Reading List
Tel: 01343 562600 (Elgin Library)
Visit in person or online, or call your local library for information on their specialist reading collections for mental health and other related topics. Moray libraries also provide free access to the internet and support to help get you online. Books can be searched for and reserved using their online services.
Breathing Space
Tel: 0800 83 85 87
Breathing Space is a free, confidential phone and web-based service for people in Scotland experiencing low mood, depression or anxiety. They are there in times of difficulty to provide a safe and supportive space by listening, offering advice and giving information. Lines are open 6pm – 2am Mon to Thu and 24hrs at weekends (From 6pm Fri to 6am on Mon). Our webchat service is available Monday to Friday – 6pm to 2am, Saturday and Sunday – 4pm to midnight.
The Samaritans
Tel: 116 123
Email: jo@samaritans.org
The Samaritans service is available 24 hours a day for people who are experiencing feelings of distress or despair, including those which may lead to suicide.
NHS 24
Tel: 111
NHS 24 provides urgent care advice day or night. If you’re feeling overwhelmed or need mental health support you can call NHS 24 on 111. NHS 24’s Mental Health Hub is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
NHS inform
NHS inform is Scotland’s health information service. You can learn more about mental wellbeing, mental health conditions or explore a range of self-help guides.
Surviving Suicidal Thoughts - Support for people having suicidal thoughts. A new section of the NHS Inform website dedicated to sharing video stories from people who have experienced the same and gone on to find ways of coping and living well.
Mind to Mind - Dedicated NHS inform website to help people who may be facing challenges with their mental wellbeing.
Further resources & support to navigate specific issues:
These are examples of support in Moray and nationally that can help you navigate options.
- Moray Health Point: One stop health information point. Dr Gray’s Hospital.
- NHS advice on counselling: Different types & finding a counsellor in your area www.nhs.uk/conditions/counselling
- Carer Support Service (Moray): Quarriers, 44 High Street, Elgin. www.quarriers.org.uk
- Citizen’s Advice Bureau: Online and Moray office, www.citizensadvice.org.uk/scotland/
- ALISS: A Local Information Service for Scotland www.aliss.org/
- Moray Intergrated Drug & Alcohol services: www.madp.info
- Moray Rape Crisis, sexual abuse and trauma service. https://www.morayrapecrisis.scot
- James Support Group, Support for those affected by suicide (Highlands): https://jamessupportgroup.com
- Best for You - some of the best wellbeing and mental health apps available - https://bestforyou.org.uk/apps/
- Telecare Self-Check Online Tool - https://www.telecareselfcheck.scot/
Digital Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) apps
Difficulties with sleep and anxiety can have a negative impact on our health, wellbeing, family life and work.
Two digital cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) apps are available free of charge to health and social care staff and all adults living in Scotland through Big Health’s partnership with the Scottish Government and health boards.
1. Sleepio (for insomnia) and Daylight (for anxiety) are clinically approved digital therapeutics which deliver bite size sessions to help you get in control of worry and sleeplessness.
Sleepio offers you a personalised goal setting programme for your sleep issues, featuring sessions with step-by-step guidance using evidence-based techniques. In about 20 minutes per week, you learn how to quieten a racing mind, reshape behaviours, and get better sleep.
2. Daylight aims to helps you gain control over your anxiety. After a two-minute quiz to discover your anxiety type, you’ll receive personalized techniques to help manage it. When it’s needed the most, Daylight is instantly accessible and ready to check in, practice, or try a new technique.
Mikeysline are a Text-based and face to face support for people of all ages struggling to cope. They cover the Highland and Moray areas. They offer:
- A safe and confidential place to talk and be listened to for any issues that are causing you difficulties, distress or impacting your mental health.
- 1-1 face to face appointments up to 45 mins per session with a support worker either face to face or online
No matter how big or small the problem, we''re here for you every evening - just TEXT 07786207755.
A structed programme to support your wellbeing including mental health, resilience, stress and sleep. Use code: Wellhubscot
Brothers in Ams - BLETHR 
A platform that aims to provide free 24/7 on-demand support and guidance for improving your mental wellbeing and brain health.
The Blethr Platform technology is optimised for men and offers a unique solution by providing a private space for honest dialogue. Blethr acts as a supportive friend, ensuring anonymity and data privacy.
It's okay to not have all the answers. Blethr helps you navigate life's challenges with guidance and self-reflection.
Mind - Side by Side 
Side by Side is an online community, from the charity Mind, where you can listen, share and be heard. Our community is open 24/7. You’ll always have someone to connect with day or night.