Condition Specific Support
This type of support is provided by organisations that are aimed at informing and supporting people with specific neurodivergent conditions, such as Autism, ADHD, Dyslexia, Dyscalculia, Dyspraxia (DCD) and FASD.
- Support level – Medium
- Access – Open
- Speed – Immediate
- Identity – anonymous / peer
- Required insight & autonomy (ability to act independently) – Low-medium
Please click on the following section to find out more:
Autism Spectrum Related Support
ADHD Related Support
ADDiSS – ADHD Information Services
ADDiSS, The National Attention Deficit Disorder Information and Support Service, provide people-friendly information and resources about Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) to anyone who needs assistance - parents, sufferers, teachers or health professionals.
- Email:
- Tel: 020 8952 2800
The Scottish ADHD Coalition

The Scottish ADHD Coalition brings together the voluntary organisations and resources providing support to adults and children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) in Scotland, and their parents, carers and families.
- Email:
Autism Spectrum Related Support
Autism Understanding Scotland
Autism Understanding Scotland are an autistic-led charity working to reframe the narrative around autism. The services they offer are open to anyone, autistic, neurodivergent or neurotypical. They are headquartered in Aberdeen, but operate across Scotland and beyond.
- Email:
- Address: 41 Regent Quay, Aberdeen, AB11 5BE
Autism Diagnostic Assessment Pathway Team – (ADAPT)
ADAPT is multi-disciplinary NHS team who are responsible for diagnosing children with ASD/Autism in Moray.
- Email:
- Tel: 01343 559875
Scottish Autism

Scottish Autism is a provider of autism-specific services in Scotland and a leading authority and advocate for good autism practise. Scottish Autism offer an advice line, which is made up of a small number of advisors that aim to provide an individualised response to each enquiry as quickly as possible.
- Email:
- Tel: 01259 222 022
National Autistic Society
The National Autistic Society Moray branch is for anyone connected to autism in Moray and the surrounding area. They provide information and support by telephone and email, the branch also run online autistic adult social groups.
Scottish Women's Autism Network – SWAN
SWAN is a network of women each with a unique perspective, shaped by individual experiences and circumstances; we represent a range of views on all sorts of issues from diagnosis to gender, from ASC as a difference rather than a disorder, to life in general. They provide peer support, networking, sharing experiences and knowledge, having open discussions and having the opportunity to meet like-minded women.
- Email:
The Girl with the Curly Hair
The Curly hair Project (CHP) is an award-winning social enterprise founded by autistic author and entrepreneur Alis Rowe. CHP resources are used by individuals, families and professionals worldwide. This is a helpful resource as lots of people are quite unaware of how autism presents in women.
Asperger's Syndrome Foundation
The Asperger's Syndrome Foundation is a small registered charity based in central London, England. They are committed to promoting awareness and understanding of Asperger's Syndrome. The Foundation aims to promote high quality support and services, and to enable people with Asperger's Syndrome to develop into respected members of their communities and recognised for their unique differences.
- Email:
Autism Initiatives
From supported living to schools, from a short break service to one stop shops, from work placements to training, clubs and activities, Autism Initiatives has resources and expertise that support autistic people to achieve their personal goals. Specifically employment support through Job Centre Plus.
Autism Rights Group Highland
Autism Rights Group Highland currently offers free post diagnostic support courses for autistic adults and parents of recently diagnosed autistic children, covering the whole of Scotland.
- Email:
Pathological Demand Avoidance Society
The Pathological Demand Avoidance Society provides information, research and a list of (online) support groups. Their goal is to try and make life better for PDA people and their families.
Adult Autism Assessment Services
The Adult Autism Assessment Team accept self referrals, on receipt of a referral, people are offered a short triage appointment (20 minutes) with a member of the team and given further information about the assessment process which now includes in-person appointments in Moray.
The self-referral form can be downloaded from the Hi-Net Health Improvement.
- Email:
The Paddock
The Paddock promotes an inclusive approach to community provision taking account of individuals’ neurodivergent needs and circumstances.
- We offer individual and small group learning opportunities and safe spaces.
- We offer opportunity for learning through animal husbandry, gardening and
outdoor learning.
- Offer an alternative learning environment and an alternative to exclusion for neurodivergent pupils.
Lucy's Lights
Lucy's Lights is a supportive group for women with autism (or identifying as autistic) created in Memory of our friend Lucy Smith.
Open to all women and non-binary people (biologically female) aged 16+ in Moray and surrounding areas with or awaiting a diagnosis of Autism (this can include people who believe they may be autistic!)
A chance to meet other like minded people people create new friends and try out fun activities all in a safe and Autism friendly environment.
Dyscalculia Related Support
Dyscalculia Centre
The Dyscalculia Centre also operates a free advice service which is used by parents, teachers and professionals.
- Email:
- Tel: 01604 880 927
Dyslexia Related Support
Dyslexia Scotland
Dyslexia Scotland empowers people with dyslexia to reach their full potential.
- Email:
- Tel: 0344 800 8484
Dyspraxia/DCD Related Support
Dyspraxia Video
This video hopes to raise awareness and promote a better understanding of Dyspraxia/Developmental Coordination Disorder (DCD), particularly for students and staff in primary education settings.
Information on dyspraxia/Developmental Coordination Disorder in children.
Dyspraxia Foundation

The Dyspraxia Foundation is a country wide charity that offers information, advice and support for parents and children with Dyspraxia. The foundation is committed to making the teaching and medical professions more aware of dyspraxia, and to spreading understanding of how those who have the condition can be helped.
- Email:
- Tel: 01462 454986
Child Mind Institute
Information from the Child Mind Institute regarding Auditory Processing Disorder.
APD Support for UK Parents - Facebook group
The APD Support for UK Parents is a Facebook group for UK parents and supportive professionals for Auditory Processing Disorder (APD).
Foetal Alcohol Spectrum (FASD) Related Support
FASD Hub Scotland
The FASD Hub provides a range of resources available in the form of factsheets.
National Organisation for FASD
The National Organisation for FASD (formerly NOFAS-UK) is dedicated to supporting people affected by Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASD), their families and communities.
- Email:
- Tel: 0208 458 5951
Me & My FASD
Me & My FASD is a website for children and young people with FASD. The website is packed full of ideas to help young people understand and own your diagnosis. It's written with advice from adults and young people in the UK who have FASD and a whole team of experts and families.
- Email:
FASD Network UK
FASD Network is an organisation that specialises in providing information, support and training on FASD.
Suggestions and Additions
Neurodiversity is a concept that can be used for a very big spectrum of non-neurotypical brain wirings. These pathways have been created by neurodivergent people with challenges that might not cover the entirety of the neurodivergent spectrum, however the creators of these pathways by no means want to exclude anyone who feels they should be represented within these pathways.
If you have benefited of any useful resources around a specific neurodivergent condition that you would like to be shared within the pathways, please contact: