Specific Support Services
These services support people with specialist needs, who may currently need high levels of support.
Team members of these services work closely together to provide individuals with the right support. Those accessing these services may be supported from a number of the service team members, or from just one or two, depending on their needs. Often decisions on what services are right for someone are made at multi-disciplinary team meetings.
Consider accessing these services if you believe you require significant help and have challenges knowing how and where to support yourself.
- Support level – High
- Access – Self or Professional Referral (dependent on service)
- Speed – Waiting List
- Identity – Patient / Service User
- Required insight & autonomy (ability to act independently) – Low
Moray Council – Access Team
At Moray Council, the Access Care Team is a point of contact for all initial queries about care and support – including Self Directed Support – for those living in Moray. By contacting the team, they are able to:
• Provide advice and resources for those who are new to the adult community care services which include care at home, equipment, and day services.
• Provide an initial screening assessment aimed at resolving lower-level care needs as quickly as possible.
• Provide a fast referral to the most appropriate service in the area.
• Provide support and methods to highlight concerns about a vulnerable adult.
• Deliver Self Directed Support to individuals receiving long term support from community care in the Moray area.
• They also offer further information and advice about a range of community care services to enable people to be signposted to the support or services they need.
If it is easier, a person can have a friend or relative contact the Access team on their behalf, either through email or by calling in. There is the option to leave a voicemail message to the team if you contact them outside of contact hours (8:45am to 5pm, Monday to Friday).
- Telephone: 01343 563999
- Email: accesscareteam@moray.gov.uk
- Address: Moray Council, 2-10 High Street, Elgin, IV30 1BY
Quarriers Carer Support Service (Moray) is contracted by The Moray Council to provide information, advice and support to unpaid carers of all ages. Services include:
• Peer and emotional support.
• Learning opportunities and information resources.
• Quarterly newsletters, including news via emails.
• Access to short break funding.
• Signposting.
• Referrals to condition-specific specialist agencies.
• Advice on Carer Rights.
They also welcome contact directly from carers, or referrals from health, social care, education and any other relevant agencies.
- Telephone: carersmoray@quarriers.org.uk
- Email: carersmoray@quarriers.org.uk
- Address: Access Care Team, Community Care, Moray Council, 2-10 High Street, Elgin, IV30 1BY
NHS Inform
Through a dedicated page, NHS Inform has a wide range of resources to improve your mental wellbeing on different subjects including anxiety, money worries, sleep challenges and moving through grief. The information provided is in clear and concise formats, both through text and video formats and a variety of different other formats and languages.
You can also find different resources on the website for other illnesses and symptoms, along with finding and getting support for these challenges.
NHS 24 
Tel: 111
NHS 24 provides urgent care advice day or night. If you’re feeling overwhelmed or need mental health support you can call NHS 24 on 111. NHS 24’s Mental Health Hub is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Circles Advocacy

The advocacy service Circles provides has three key aims:
• To support an individual’s view is heard.
• To support individuals understand their rights.
• To support individuals get the correct information to help them make informed decisions.
They provide this independent advocacy for those with mental ill health, in addition to other conditions such as brain injury, impairments, disabilities, chronic conditions (including long covid), drug and alcohol issues, to have their views heard. This also extends to anyone detained under the Mental Health (Care and Treatment) Act, who have a legal right to advocacy support to ensure their views regarding their detention are heard.
As part of their advocacy, Circles also assist with Self Directed Support reviews and other meetings that have some influence on an individual’s ability to live independently, including adult protection meetings, social work meetings, ward and care home reviews, for example. Circles usually works with people who are 18 and over but those who are 16 and 17, and subject to the Mental Health Act, Adult Support and Protection Act or Adults with Incapacity Act, can also be supported as above. People who have, or have previously had, issues with drug and/or alcohol can receive advocacy support regarding any issue that is creating a barrier to their continued recovery including housing and accessing service.
Parents whose children are looked after by the Local Authority or are part of Child Protection Procedures are also legible for support by Circles.
- Benefits - issues with benefits and information on tax credits and child benefits.
- Housing - get advise about evictions and homelessness.
- Work - all types of workplace problems, including discrimination or redundancy.
- Debt and money - discuss how to manage your debt.
- Family - from getting child maintenance to ending a relationship.
- Telephone: 01343 559546
- Email: info.moray@circlesnetwork.org.uk
- Address: Circles Network, 40-42 Moss Street, Elgin. Moray IV30 1LT
Also in Moray, Quarriers have the Arrows service, who provide drug and alcohol support that can be initially contacted anonymously. They have a drop-in service at 23 High Street, Elgin, Moray, IV30 1EE from 9am to 6pm from Monday to Friday with a slot from 10am to 1pm on Saturday.
Run by Arrows, there is the Bow Café - a drop-in community café, which hosts many Weekly groups and Sessions, from Music group to Smart Recovery. Opening hours are Monday to Friday 8.30am – 3pm
- Telephone: 01343 610500 / 07812 228547
- Email: arrows@quarriers.org.uk
- Address: Bow Café , The Square, 61-63 High Street, Elgin, IV30 1EE
The mental health charity Scottish Association for Mental Health (SAMH) supports people who experience mental health problems, homelessness, addictions, and other forms of social exclusion. Services offered include:
• Emotional Distress
• Independent Living
• Mood Disorders
Through a referral from Community Mental Health Team, individuals can access the service at Jamie Place in Elgin, that supports people who have significant mental illnesses to achieve personal outcomes which promote sustainable resilience and independent living skills. There is also supported accommodation at North College Street in Elgin, that offers supported accommodation to empower individuals with significant mental illnesses to increase their self-management skills as an alternative to in-patient hospital admission.
SAMH also works with people throughout Moray to gain and strengthen personal resilience and independent living skills within their own home, also through a referral is via the Community Mental Health Team.
- Telephone: 01343 542781
- Email: moray.sa@samh.org.uk
Project Neuro

Connect Me 
Connect Me is the new name for a variety of services or options which may be offered as a means for an individual to interact and communicate with their healthcare professionals. The Connect Me service uses a person’s own simple devices and sometimes small basic medical equipment to enable individuals to share information with health care professionals and/or automated monitoring services. This helps them to safely self-manage their health needs from home or wherever is convenient for them.