

Helplines and Useful Resources

These help lines and resources can provide immediate support, information or advice around certain topics.

Support – Low level

Speed – Short wait

Access – Open to anyone

Parentline Scotland

08000 28 22 33 / Monday to Friday: 9am-9pm & Saturday and Sunday, from 9am-12noon

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Scottish Domestic Abuse and Forced Marriage Helpline

0800 0271234 / 24 hours a day: 7 days a week


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Scottish Families affected bu alcohol and drugs helpline

08080 10 10 11 / Monday to Friday: 9am-11pm & Saturday and Sunday 5pm-11pm

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Icon Families Moray

ICON FAMILIES MORAY are a group of people who meet online every six to eight weeks. Our members have a personal or professional interest in making a difference for neurodiverse families by sharing information, promoting wellbeing and raising awareness within the group.

We also have a useful online resource to support families navigating neurodiversity.

Visit Neurodiversity Pathway here

Relationship Helpline

0800 802 2088 / Monday to Thursdays: 9am-8pm & Friday 9am-5pm

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0808 801 0323 / Monday to Friday: 9.30am-4.00pm

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Sleep Scotland

08001386565 / Monday to Thursday: 10am-4pm

Free telephone support line to parents and carers for help with a child or young person’s (18 months – 18 years) sleep difficulties.

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HopelineUK: 08000684141  / Text: 07786209697 / Monday to Friday: 10am–10pm, Weekends and Bank Holidays 2pm–10pm

If you are having thoughts of suicide or are concerned for a young person who might be thinking of suicide you can contact HopelineUK for confidential support and practical advice.


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Dementia UK Helpline

0800 888 6678 / Monday to Friday: 9am-9pm & Saturday to Sunday: 9am-5pm

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Moray Pathways

Information around education, training and employment in Moray.

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Tsi Moray - Children and Young People Forum

The Children and Young People’s Third Sector Forum (Moray) is an open forum that connects charities, voluntary organisations, community groups and social enterprises that provide services to children, young people and families.

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Parent Club

Set up by the Scottish Government and provides tried tips to parents on a wide range of topics.

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Family Lives

0808 800 2222 A charity that provides professional, non-judgemental support and advice for parents.

Monday to Friday: 9am to 9pm

Weekends: 10am to 3pm

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Care for the Family

Charity with advice for families who face family difficulties, online courses and events.

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CAMHS Resources

Created for young people, carers and professionals to pool together lots of helpful resources from across the internet that are available to help support your mental health and well-being.

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Circles Advocacy

01343 559546 Mon – Fri

40-42 Moss Street, Elgin, Moray IV30 1LT

Currently offering phone/social media contact to support people with most conditions eg LD, Mental Ill Health, Drug and Alcohol, etc. During this time of active COVID-19 restrictions, we are able to offer face to face contact but only if it is essential. The 3 key aims of advocacy are to support a persons view to be heard, to help them understand their rights and to get the right information to help them make informed decisions. Circles also supports parents whose children are looked after by the Local Authority or are part of Child Protection Procedures. This service is free.

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Kinship and Care Advice Service for Scotland

0808 800 0006 (Mon to Fri 10:00am – 2.30pm)

The Kinship Care Advice Service for Scotland is the Scottish-Government funded service for Scotland’s kinship carers and their families. We provide Helpline advice, resources and training to kinship carers and the practitioners who support them. We work to raise awareness of kinship care and the challenges facing kinship carers and the children and young people in their care to strengthen family support.

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